Take Control of Your Passwords cover

In the last month I’ve written about recent updates to two of my Take Control books (Take Control of Automating Your Mac version 1.1 and Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal, Second Edition). In fact, I’ve been busy updating a whole bunch of titles (as well as writing new ones), and it just so happens a lot of them are coming out in quick succession. The latest is Take Control of Your Passwords version 1.3, released last week by Take Control Books.

This book (one of my personal favorites) tells you everything you need to know about password security. It spells out how you can have passwords that are strong enough to keep out both human and computer attackers without taxing your brain to remember lots of complex, random strings of characters. It helps you solve all kinds of password problems, overcome bad habits, and even help your “uncle” who doesn’t want to listen to my fancy-pants advice but still needs better password security.

The new version updates the text with information on new 1Password features, additional sidebars and details, and expanded coverage of a couple of topics. There’s nothing fundamentally different in my recommendations, but I do like to correct small mistakes and keep my books current as best I can. The book is for any platform—Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, whatever. Regardless of your operating system(s), if you feel like passwords are out of control, this book will help you (re)gain control.

And yes, even more Take Control updates are coming next week!